Project Details

Location: Faro, Yukon

Time Frame: October 2018 – December 2018

Project Value: $1,500,000

Contract Type: Unit Rate

Services Rendered: Mine Development

Project Summary

The Rose Creek Dyke Raise project is a component of the Yukon Faro Mine Remediation Project that involved the reclamation of an abandoned lead and zinc mine located 15 km north of the Town of Faro, Yukon Territory. This project included upgrading dams to ensure tailings stay in place, re-sloping waste rock piles, installing engineered soil covers over the tailings and waste rock, upgrading stream diversions, upgrading the contaminated water collection and treatment system.

Project Scope

  • Reconstruction of 1,400 lm of a dyke wall

  • Created and put 9,000 m3 of select fill material in place

  • Sorted and classified riprap materials in the area

  • Obtained select fill material from a borrow site

  • Prepared the foundation for construction

  • Placed materials within 75 millimeters of the target grade


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