Project Details

Location: Fort Saskatchewan, AB

Time Frame: August 2022 - October 2022

Project Value: $930,000

Contract Type: Lump Sum

Services Rendered: Environmental & Demolition

Project Summary

Excavation transport and disposal of contaminated soils within city works yard. The challenge on this project was to allow the city maintenance fleet to continue to work within their yard as 90% of the yard was excavated to 4.5 meters below grade. Constant movement of the active work zone, safely managing active excavation, while allowing 40 different city works yard maintenance vehicles to come and go throughout the work day to access the various city facilities and buildings. Continual excavation and backfill of the site kept the work zone as small as possible while constantly shifting the access points for the city staff, keeping vehicles and ground personnel safely out of the work zone.

Project Scope

  • Excavate and dispose of 1650 square meters of concrete and asphalt

  • Strip and stockpile 2700 m3 of clean overburden material

  • Excavate and dispose of 5,350 m3 of hydrocarbon impacted soils

  • Remove and dispose of contaminated groundwater

  • Decommission of monitoring wells within the excavation area

  • Disconnect, manage, and reinstall the storm pipeline and catch basins along with the underground fiber optic line

  • Import, place and compact required backfill for all below grade excavations and site restoration

  • Installation of 40 mil geomembrane liner along excavation extents

  • Loading, hauling, placement and compaction of asphalt millings over excavation site


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